

Have you made the necessary considerations in order to be covered in the best possible way given your life situation? On this page, you can read which coverages Deloitte Pension Management recommends.

Loss of earning capacity

In the event of reduced working capacity, we recommend that you have your salary secured deducted from the labor market contribution (8%) and the share you pay into your pension savings. This ensures an unchanged economic base and everyday life can continue without a decrease in income.

Furthermore, you should consider whether you think that the public benefits will continue unchanged until your retirement age. If not, you are advised to choose the maximum insurance coverage.

Life insurance

In the event of death, we recommend that your family is paid 400% of your annual salary including your savings. We recommend that your family is guaranteed an economic and mental respite during a difficult transition period, where they may have to handle the replacement of housing, repayment of loans, a new school, etc.

This may be different if you do not have a maintenance obligation.

Critical illness

If you should be affected by a critical illness, we recommend that you will be paid a sum of at least DKK 200,000 to create a financial respite during a difficult time. Furthermore, we recommend a critical illness coverage for Your children of DKK 100,000. The sum will be paid tax-free to you if your child gets one of the critical illnesses covered.


When you retire, we recommend that you receive 70% of your salary lifelong. That way, you can maintain the same standard of living as before you retired. We live longer, are more active, and have greater expectations for our lives as pensioners. Therefore, it is important to start saving early, so there are several years to create sensible retirement savings. The later you get started, the bigger the requirement for the monthly payment into your pension savings is.


Contribution and return are crucial to be able to achieve a lifelong pension payment of 70% of your salary. We recommend that you choose savings with a high shareholding. Historically, it has been shown that equities give higher returns over a longer period despite larger fluctuations along the way.

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