Preventive measures at Gjensidige

Preventive measures at Gjensidige

Prevention and quick help pay off. Deloitte Pension Management recommends that you contact Gjensidige as soon as you feel the first symptoms to any physical or mental problems. You can thereby plan your progress as soon as possible.

Gjensidige has a preventive counseling hotline that can help you with health counseling and prevent if you are not thriving or if you have a bad lifestyle.

Gjensidige’s Well-Being line

With the Well-being line, you have easy access to Gjensidige’s professional counseling team of nurses and stress coaches. This can be in situations where it is not yet necessary to enter a long-term course of therapy. For example, in connection to stress management. Likewise, help can be sought to tackle private issues, such as divorce, illness, death, or general dissatisfaction in the family, before the issues grow and influence the work effort.

Gjensidige’s lifestyle line

On the lifestyle line, nurses and physiotherapists are ready to advise employees on physical lifestyle changes, such as changes in diet and exercise habits, help to quit smoking, help to reduce alcohol intake, and/or help with more and better sleep quality. The lifestyle line can also help with counseling and inspiration for exercises targeted to pain the musculoskeletal system.

> Read more at Gjensidige


Gjensidige’s Health Compass

Gjensidige Forsikring’s Health Compass provides help and guidance within examination and treatment, injury prevention as well as complaint and compensation regardless of whether your illness or injury is covered by the health insurance or not. Competent people are ready to help navigate through the public health care system and you get access to a personal health adviser who will follow you through the entire course of treatment. Contact Gjensidige Forsikring’s Health Compass at phone no. (+45) 7010 9090.


An anonymously addiction line

If you need guidance and counseling on issues and challenges of being in or close to somebody with an addiction, including suspicion of an addiction or overuse, you can contact Det Gode Liv anonymously at phone number +45 7220 0888 on workdays between 08:00 and 20:00

When you call, you will get in touch with experts within the addiction field at Det Gode Liv, who can both provide guidance and refer to possible treatments within the public and private sector.

Gjensidige co-operates with Det Gode Liv, to create a direct and unique line for you with a health insurance. There are no limits in amount of calls you can make.

>  Learn more at Gjensidige (Danish only) 
> Learn more at Det Gode Liv (Danish only)

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