Preventive measures at Velliv

Preventive measures at Velliv

Prevention and quick help pay off. Deloitte Pension Management recommends that you contact Velliv as soon as you notice any physical or mental problems. Thereby, you can plan your course together with Velliv as early as possible.

On Velliv’s website, you can test your mental health and see if you are thriving, or if you need help to increase your well-being and stay physically and mentally healthy:

> Take the test (Danish only)

Velliv also helps with how you can take care of your physical and mental health throughout life. You can for example read about how to stay in good physical shape and how to prevent or alleviate stress and difficulty sleeping:

Vellivs health team

If you get sick, injured or having issues taking care of your work, some practical questions will arise, which in the situation can be difficult to gauge and take care of. The Health Team at Velliv can answer questions about insurance, helath and social conditions. The team is composed of experienced health consultants and social workers, which can provide help before, during and after a period of illness. We will provide personal guidance and support to get through the situation and support with the necessary measures to help get better. 

As a company you will receive  precise advice about retention options, regulations, economy and dialogue with public authorities. 

The Health Team can among other advice on:

  • Rules about sick pay, job clarification and flex job
  • Interplay between insurance benefits and social benefits
  • Cooperation between job center and the company
  • Health issues that affects the work effort
  • Sick leave and sick leave interviews
  • Resignation because of illness or retirement
  • Retentionplan

Velliv have duty of professional secrecy.

You can call the Health Team Monday to Thursday in the period from 8:30 to 16:30 and Fridays from 9:00 to 16:00 on phone +45 70 33 37 07.

> Read more about health and preventive measures at Velliv





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